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Cats or dogs?!!?!?! This will be the ultimate decider thread!

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  • Cats or dogs?!!?!?! This will be the ultimate decider thread!

    Okay everyone. Can I have your attention, please! We are about to have the biggest debate we may ever have. The debate that will define our lives. What are better: cats or dogs. Please don't just list one or the other. You need to defend your option and convince us either way. In the end, there can only be one! I will go first: my vote is for dogs. Dogs are man's best friend. We've had Lassie and that good boy from Up, and Benji, and my own childhood pup Mr Dog and countless others that I can't remember because my brain is mush apparently. But I digress. Dogs love us undconditionally and therefore dogs are the best. Who is next?

  • #2
    Well, this is easy. Dogs all the way. Dogs will protect you and be your best friend for life. I'm thinking now of my good bud Bixie. She was always there for me and met me every day after school. Her sweet life ended to soon when she was hit by a car. RIP always, Bixie.


    • #3
      Dogs! Duh. I mean cats are alright. I had a cat growing up but I always always wanted a dog. I have one now. He's a rescue, a little beagle. And he is the best. We always hang out together and watch TV.


      • #4
        I'm gonna have to slide in here with some serious cat love. Where's all the cat love so far? I can't be the only person on this forum who realizes that cats are way better than dogs! Reasons being: cats are very cuddly and curl up in your lap often way better than a dog. Cats are very indpendent and sassy. Cats are too smart for us and will one day take over the world. All hail our future cat overlords!


        • #5
          I have one of each! How am I supposed to pick? This is seriously Sophie's choice here, guys. Butttttt if I had to pick, and for the sake of evening the playing field...I am going with cats!


          • #6
            Well we know which one I'm gonna pick, right? Haha. I've loved cats ever since I was a kid. My mum used to foster them so I learned how to bottle feed and take care of little infant kittens when I was still a kitten myself. I haven't not had a cat in my life since I was 5! And yes, I am def going to be a crazy cat lady when I get older!


            • #7
              And we are tied so far: 3 for cats and 3 for dogs. Who will be victorious as this thread progresses?


              • #8
                Dogs! 110% dogs! I've never seen a cat sniff out a bomb or work on the police force. Dogs are our companions and work with us so we can accomplish great things! Dogs are our ultimate companions. Cats are just kind of there haha.


                • #9
                  Hey now, hey now. Don't forget there was that cat in Japan who was a Station Master of an entire train station! He had a little uniform and everything. It was practically a national holiday when he did a little while ago. Obviously I am voting for cats lol

