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Changing Your Partner

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  • Changing Your Partner

    Has any of you tried or forced your partner to change? I'm not talking about making him quit some of his or her bad habits here. But changing him or her to be your dream person who makes them feel that they're going to lose their personality because of it?

  • #2
    No. Each person is unique. Each person has his own personality. No other people should attempt to change the ways of other people. It is up to the person himself to decide if he wants to change something.


    • HoneyConey
      HoneyConey commented
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      What's wrong with trying to change the person that you're dating into your dream guy? Do you feel that by doing that you're somewhat brainwashing him?

    • Hanababe
      Hanababe commented
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      HoneyConey I don't like the idea of trying to change the person. I want them to realize and change their own not because of me.

  • #3
    If it is for their betterment, then I would. It is not that I would have to change everything, but one or two major changes would do for me.


    • Lookingforlovin
      Lookingforlovin commented
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      She already mentioned that changing your negative traits doesn't count.

  • #4
    It is like saying that you are going to change a person completely. Is that even possible? I do not think so. Even one major change is already difficult to do, so how much more if someone needs to change virtually everything?


    • holleroutyo
      holleroutyo commented
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      If the person that your dating is a really good manipulator, then it is possible that you're going to change for him or her in order to make their relationship work.

    • Yuki23
      Yuki23 commented
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      .@holleroutyo No way, If I find him a manipulator I will stop seeing him.

  • #5
    I've actually been with someone who was forcing me to act like her ex which he considers his soulmate. I didn't noticed it at first and thought of it as his way to make me a better person. But when it got way too out of hand already, that's the time that I found out what he was doing.


    • imhornyimhorny
      imhornyimhorny commented
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      I'm guessing that he saw something in you that he can easily change in order to be like his ex. How far in the relationship before you realized what he's doing?

    • fucklove
      fucklove commented
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      I guess he still wants his ex back. He is trying to change you to be like her ex so he can still feel the presence of that girl.

  • #6
    I've never actually done that to all of my exes. The only thing that I made them change were their bad or annoying traits.


    • Janbaby
      Janbaby commented
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      And did any of your exes took it well when you tried to change their annoying traits?

    • Yummykorn
      Yummykorn commented
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      Hope that they didn't go back to their old annoying bad habits after you broke up, there's no connection anymore.

  • #7
    I think that the most that I did was trying to change his bad habits since I don't have good manipulation skills to force him to be something completely diffrent.


    • HoneyHoney72
      HoneyHoney72 commented
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      Bad habits like smoking, drinking and flirting? LOL.

    • 1xz9
      1xz9 commented
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      Yeah that's are some habits that will always give me trouble and I don't tolerate such actions and he better change

  • #8
    I dated someone who actually tried it on me. It even reached the point that he chooses what clothes I'm going to wear during dates.


    • J3nnyTalia
      J3nnyTalia commented
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      Are you sure that relationship was a regular one and not a domme-sub relationship? I'm just wondering because it reached the point where he decides what you're going to wear.

    • bubblebutt6969
      bubblebutt6969 commented
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      I guess that is too much in a relationship.

    • CupcakeTasty
      CupcakeTasty commented
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      Was he a bit of a conservative? That's a possible reason why he ended up choosing the clothes that you're going to wear.

  • #9
    That is not possible. You simply could not change someone as that would be too difficult to do. A person's personality is developed over time; it could not be changed abruptly by someone.


    • TastyLove
      TastyLove commented
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      How sure are you that is not possible? Because I feel that you can try and do it by doing psychological tricks on him.

  • #10
    Nope. I never tried to change any of them. People have the freedom to be who they are and choose what they want to be. Let them be the way they really are.


    • ManlyBeardMan
      ManlyBeardMan commented
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      But do you feel that you have what it takes in order to change him?

    • lovie456
      lovie456 commented
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      Maybe, but that is not my intention.

  • #11
    If you change your partner for his advantage then yes but if you change him/her just because you want to, I would say no to that.


    • LoveShove
      LoveShove commented
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      What do you mean of changing him to his advantage? Are you talking about in terms like giving him a makeover of sorts?